Category Archives: Work Stuff

Okay, ten days to go…

Thanks to the Spring Festival, I’m gonna have to suffer a whole-eleven-day working week starting from yesterday to Feb. 15…
After that I will have a lovely nine-day-off. Just can’t wait!
Sadly, there are still ten days to go but after all the weather is pleasant today.
I’m gonna lay under the sunshine[strike], put my laptop on my lap, where it is supposed to be placed by design,[/strike] and try to write one line of code or two.(I) Security Module is today’s goal. I am approaching.
C’mon buddy, hang on!
Keep goin’!!
Go Go Go!!!

AMS MileStone记录一下

上个礼拜,Tech Design & Database Design顺利完成。
下周开始正式着手application development了。包括screen layout design 和 administration module(reference module).
C’mon, keep it up!


新项目的project plan已经确定了,从tech design到developing, 到testing到go live,一共一个月时间。
刚才把plan发给了Larry, 他马上回复我们说:”It looks very aggressive.”
没办法。。。虽然自己心里也没底到底能不能stick with the plan, 但是还是要尽力的,实在不行也只好硬着头皮上了。。。