今天吃晚饭的时候,在fortune cookie里拿到的:
It takes more than good memory to have good memories.
今天吃晚饭的时候,在fortune cookie里拿到的:
It takes more than good memory to have good memories.
[quote]Imature poets imitate, mature poets steal.
Bad poets deface what they take and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different.[/quote]
[quote]Talent gets you on the floor.
Teamwork keeps you on it![/quote]
今天买鞋的时候,偶尔看到Chauncey Billups的TS LightSpeed鞋盒上如是说。
幽默感= 乐观= 稳定高收入的工作
女人要么喜欢钱,要么喜欢由钱演化而成的各种优点 [/quote]
[quote]很多中国人总说安全第一,并出于此目的宁可购买高油耗和高故障率的车,而他们在驾车的时候,会因为舍不得一口酒,因为享受所谓“高速稳定性”甚至仅仅因为要抢一秒钟而把自己置于危险的境地。他们对ESP,激光焊接,钢板厚薄津津乐道,却不懂得要求坐车的朋友和家人系上安全带,有些甚至自己驾车也不系! 还有很多人抱着幼儿坐在前排。这看上去就好比一个每天两包烟并且在家中也吸的烟鬼,在选择都属于合格产品的木地板的时候却斤斤计较甲醛释放量一样变态可笑。[/quote]
Be tolerant, you gain peace and calm
Be humble, you reach new horizon… [/quote]
Being KIND is more importmant than being RIGHT.